Akashic Record Readings & Healings
Aura Reading, Cleansing & Repairing
Soul Alignment: A Multi-Dimensional Odyssey into your I Am Presence
Akashic Record Classes: At Your Place
Would you like to learn how to read your Akashic Records AND open them during this self-empowering class? Learn about the self-mastery and tremendous potentials available to you! You put together a small group of 4 to 10 people and I will come to you. I teach how to access your Records, share essential tips on getting the most out of your time there, and guide everyone through a customized group clearing of blocks to accessing the Records. Includes printed handouts so you can open up your Akashic Records on your own. 2+ hours, $55 per person.
Reiki Home Visits
Experience powerful and gentle purification for stress reduction, increased energy flow, pain reduction and nervous system reset towards a calmer and more relaxed state of being so your body can remember how to heal itself. Home visits are easily arranged so you can fully immerse yourself in the healing and maximize the benefits. I can supply all clean linens, and at the end of the session, I pack up and leave you to enjoy your deeply peaceful state of being. Refer to the 5-page PDF below. 1 hour, $144
HeartMath Heart-Brain Coherence Mentoring
An excellent place to enhance your self- development for personal or business reasons. You will quickly and easily learn skills to use on the go for today’s busy lifestyle. You will bring your physical, mental and emotional systems into balanced alignment and connect with your heart’s intuitive wisdom. This is not meditation, in fact, it is practiced by first responders, sports teams, and any group of people requiring resilience in the face of challenges. There are so many benefits to embracing a lifestyle living with heart coherence. Please see the attached file below for information. 1 hour, $111
Intuitive Readings & Energy Work
Multi-dimensional and multi-sensory readings reveal much that we are unaware of that is affecting us daily. If you are looking for clear, practical and helpful insight that points the way to empowered action this is the session for you. Your spirit guides will come through, deepening the soul dynamic of your session. With specific laser-like focus, together we explore the life aspects of your choice. With that deeper awareness and understanding you can step beyond blocks, challenges, and limiting beliefs, liberating you to live life authentically. You up-level, a new light dawns and that light is you! 1 hour, $111
Metaphysical Mentoring/Coaching
This is a highly-customized great time and energy saver! Receive the distillation of the very best teachings and techniques that I have gathered over decades of metaphysical exploration, experimentation and skills building. Let me bring my experience to yours, and dial in and give you exactly what you are looking for: teaching, guidance, psychic supervised practice of skills and more. As a life-long learner I share the latest of our collective evolving consciousness as I continually update and refresh my knowledge and skill sets. See the attached file below for a listing of some areas of expertise we can draw upon. 1 hour, $111
Angel Guide Sessions
These personalized sessions are for those who desire deeper connections with the Celestial Angelics. For anything you need, there is an angel for that! Learn who the angels are and how and why we can easily connect with them. You will be supported in establishing helpful, supportive relationships with these sacred beings. Remove old vows, contracts, soul-level agreements, cords, implants, debris and old energy. Receive guidance and specific prayers and learn how to connect with them on your own. Includes a 3-card Angel Card reading. 1 hour, $111
Star Fire Cellular Illuminations
This service is nothing less than a cellular illumination. Feel what it is like to connect with the purity of your light in your physical body. Soul bathe within your Brilliance. As Meister Eckhart quotes “The eye with which I see God is the same as with which God sees me. My eye and God’s eye is one eye, and one sight, and one knowledge and one love.” Please see the PDF for lots of valuable information. Includes an 11-page expanded PDF and a 1-card oracle card reading. 1 hour, $111
Spiritual Alchemy - Shadow Work
This is a deeply transformative offering for those who are truly ready for profound change. Each session is unique and meets you where you are to resolve stubborn, unwanted habits and inexplicable repetitive patterns. A combination of hypnotherapy, guided imagery, therapeutic imagery, NLP and a lot of energy work on multiple dimensions. Be prepared to be a very active participant where you are supported every step of the way. 1.5 hours, $177